The Roleplaying Diaries of Bryan Stephens

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Blood Lords Adventure Path

01 Trouble on a Farm

Campaign DateErastus 6-7, 4722
Game Date04/06/2023

First Meetings

Four separate residents of Geb are summoned to the residence of the Blood Lord Berline Haldoli, ruler of the city of Graydirge. As each arrives, they are met by Haldoli’s majordomo, a ghoul named Mhyurk, who directs them to refreshments.

Blake Skelton arrives first. His large frame shows the undead skeleton’s hobgoblin origin. Next up is Zaheri Javed. He is well dressed in fine clothing, walking with his quarterstaff as if it were magic. He briefly talks to Blake as he partakes. Sebastian d'Cross is next, telling the majordomo that he is here on orders from the Cross family. As he and Zaheri size each other up, Tsekani arrives trying to go to a servant’s entrance. Mhyurk redirects him. Zaheri introduces himself and takes it upon himself to introduce the other two. Since everyone has arrived, the ghoul leads them in.

The group is met by Lady Berline and invited to an early lunch. The Lady is friendly and quite approachable. Zaheri is the most at ease, used to dealing with the upper levels of society. However, he is well aware that this woman is one of the most dangerous leaders in Geb.

Lady Berline explains over a fine meal that a local farm, Ergahas, is having some trouble. She sent a crew to investigate and they returned saying this was a job for swords Their job is to simply go see what is going on and fix it if they can. They are promised joint ownership of a local piece of land that fell into her hands when its old owner died. The whole group looks at each other. This seems to be a far downplayed risk to an outsized reward. They finish lunch (well not Blake, who sits there bemused) and prepare to leave. Zaheri changes into what he calls his “work clothes” and leaves his fine things behind. He also introduces the group to his familiar, Tumbly. Tumbly is a vervet monkey from the Mwangi Expanse to the west of Geb. This prompts a biting comment from Sebastian about ”The brains of this outfit” to which the Zaheri haughtily retorts about Sebastian’s low status, cowing the man.


The trip to the farm is met with more discussion and further introductions between the group. Zaheri is of the opinion this is a high risk/high reward scenario, no matter how much she downplayed it. He cheerfully predicts it is likely they will all die ( or die again in Blake’s case). Still, he is clear this is the sort of fire he intends to face in life to fulfill his destiny and would rather die trying than shy away.

The farm itself is walled off with two gates. The main gate has a trapped zombie. Looking inside, zombies are milling about, undirected. Zaheri and Blake decide to go through the side gate. The gate seems to have slammed shut on a poor soul, perhaps one of the Lady’s crew. He stays quite dead as Sebastian easily deactivates the mechanism of the trap and opens the gate. The corpse has a satchel with a lessor antiplague and some sort of gray paste. Zaheri takes these and the group moves into the farm itself. They walk between four silos, one with its grain spilled out. Sebastian and Tsekani notice that the grain is tainted with Brian Grit which causes headaches but not much else. It seems an odd way to poison grain. Zaheri asks Tumbly for his crossbow and loads it.

The group does not get much chance to puzzle over this as they hear a distorted whinny of a horse and turn to see a zombie horse and two zombie hounds approaching. Blake runs forward and block the horse from moving forward between two wagons. The hounds leap over. Blake and the horse fight it out, with the zombie striking him badly. The hounds leap forward, one on Tsekani and one against Blake. Finding the skeleton has no meat, it moves forward. Sebastian uses his short bow while Zaheri fires his crossbow. Tsekani takes traditionally monk approach and beats the hound with his fists. Sebastian uses his battle medicine on the monk, while Zaheri keeps firing at the foes while Blake is forced to step back. Sebastian moves to heal her with oil of unlife, and the last of the creatures fall. The group wonders at what is going on.

Game Date04/13/2023

Searching the bodies does not help. They seem to have been a zombie managers, zombie themselves, but with the spark of intelligence. They seem to have died fighting in a circle. In a nearby pen, they see a huge zombie cow, missing horn clearly embedded in a nearby destroyed building. At the front gate remain the two zombies on guard, ignoring the zone behind them.

The group decides to head down to the nearby hill cave holds the oversear’s room. There they find mindless zombies uselessly attacking piled up crates blocking a passage. The rest of the area has the bed for the now dead overseer and a rather grisly table and signs of cannibalism. The room with a bed has a violet everlasting torch which Zaheri gives to Tumbly to hold.

Feeling they need to press one, the group surprises the three zombies and easily takes them down. Moving the crates, they find the well for the facility and the only remaining zombie charge hand, Sifegtk, whom they rescue. He tells a tale of the farm being attacked for no reason. He knows nothing of grain being tainted, and can only say he was been in the well for days.

The group decides to take out the zombie cow. Zaheri suggests that he and Sebastian climb a roof and attack at range while the other two move in. They go all out, but the cow is dangerous. It lands a critical attack on Blake who collapses to absorb the damage. Before she reassembles, the undead beast is dead. Tsekani just manages to pull a magical scythe imbedded in the corpse from it. They group retreats to the cave, avoiding three zombie workers who have bashed their way out of a holding area. Zaheri spends three fruitless hours trying to heal Blake, and they resort to the oil of unlife from Sebastian. After a full rest, Zaheri awakes inspired. The mage pulls bones from the dead zombies in the cave and expertly stiches the still wounded Blake to full health. They easily kill the three zombies, and Sifegtk is able to control the other two. The group departs, still unsure of exactly what happened.

Klaiming Kellok Manor

Campaign DateErastus 7-8, 4722
Game Date04/06/2023

Meeting with Berline

The group rises early and heads back to meet with their employer who receives them warmly. They show her the symbol on the tattered cloth as part of their report, yet she has little light to shine on the matter. Berline promises she will look into it further. The mild poisons have her puzzled as well. As promised, she turns over the deed to Kellok Manor, wrapped around a large iron key, and gives the party 20 gold among them to share.

Kellok Manor

The Manor itself is a mere mile south of Graydirge proper so it’s quite a simple matter to travel to and from it for any business the group would to attend to. Seeing they have time, Sebastian and Zaheri ask around to see if anyone knows about the strange symbol. Sebastian manages to find a name of someone they can follow up on.

The group heads to Kellok Manor and finds an already open door. Heading inside, they see a dead hand trying to deal with a swarm of rats. Zaheri breathes ancient dust on the swarm, and Blake charges in after, literally scything through the vermin. The hand introduces itself as Arghun The Annihilator, its voice disconcertingly coming from about where a head would be. It/He asks to see the deed and key, and accepts them as equal owners of the manor. He notes the basement is not secure and offers that the group might want to head down and deal with the problems there.

Moving down the steps, they hear the rasps of bones on stone. They are confronted with three ostovites, skeletons being run by things from another plane. Tsekani and Blake quickly kill one that charges them. Another attacks from behind, menacing Zaheri and Sebastian, who retreat and attack it. In a few moments, all of the outer planes monsters are destroyed and Blake as a collection of bones to take.

They clear out the rest of the basement, finding the ostovite nest and destroying it. They also run into a Skittering Ribcage that seems to be a former pet that only wants attention. In the ostiary, they find a key to a Graydirege security box. The site secured, they go upstairs to meet with Arghun. He shows them around as best he can. He does not remember much of his death, but he regales anyone who sits still long enough of his larger-than-death exploits. It’s not certain to any of the party how much of it is true. What is certain is his genuine attachment to Kellok manor. Arghun likes to see it well cared for and attended, and seems to have little desire for affairs outside it. He will perform whatever duties the group sees fit to assign or, he sadly sniffles, “none at all, if the current masters have no use for an old hand”.

After two days a messenger arrives announcing Berline will be coming to visit later that evening and wishes to meet with the party.

02 Marrow and Mystery

Campaign DateErastus 8-13, 4722
Game Date05/11/2023

The group takes stock of the situation. Zaheri and Blake go back to the farm to collect bones; Zaheri to make a servant and mount, Blake to add to his collections. Zaheri invests in some carvings tools and offers to help Blake make his bones more ornate and suggests using bones of defeated zombies.

After two days, Berlin arrives as promised and brings a huge lunch. They share the meal and she shares that the cloth they found was from a new gang, The Three Finger Hand. She also notes that the two items found, put together, create a deadly poison to the quick. It seems this was an attempt to poison the quick of Graydirdge. She asks the group to investigate, on their own, nothing official as of yet, and the group agrees to the charge. She is clear she wants discretion.

The next day, four split into two teams, Zaheri and Blake as one and Sebastian and Tsekani as the other. The goal is to try to find out more about this new information that Berlin brought them. Zaheri manages to get to an party in the afternoon. While no one has heard of the Thre Fingered Skull, they are talking about the Boneshards, clearly engaged in extortion. Zaheri makes friends with Bilfor, a halfling storekeeper. Sebastian hears similar stories talking to a shopkeeper about the Boneshards. This does not help the mystery.

After two days of less than fruitful research, a skeletal thrush arrives with an invitation to meet with High Preist of Zon-Kuthon, Ortagar Stich-Skull the next evening. The followers of this insane god exist to suffer and revel in it. They arrive with the sun in their eyes. The inside of the foul cathedral is haunted by strange screams and moans. They are asked to engage in a ritual of blood cleaning, but they refuse. With insistence, Sebastian drives his sword through the hand of the woman leading them, much to her pleasure. Disgusted more than anything, the group heads to dinner.

The High Priest meets them and greets them warmly. His head is a mass of scars which makes his name make sense. There is little talk of business until the end of the meal.

Ortagar closes his eyes as he enjoys one final morsel before gently returning his napkin and spoon to the table. He methodically straightens them as he clears his throat. He slowly massages his temples, straining the stitches on his head, and then places his palms on the table and snaps open his eyes.

“I hope you have enjoyed your food. Later, I must pay for the pleasure this meal has brought me, but for now, we have important matters to discuss.”

“I recently learned of an apparent plot to introduce some strange substance—poisons, perhaps—to Geb’s food supply. This plot involved not just any remote farm, where the food would undoubtedly be shipped overseas and be no concern of mine, but a farm that supplies Graydirge itself, including this temple. You all know of what I speak, of course. I have a confession to make, about why I have brought you all here. Word of this plot did not reach me by way of our mutual acquaintance, the esteemed Reanimator, Mistress Berline Haldoli. No. I learned of this plot from a member of my own congregation.”

“It is difficult for our worshippers to keep secrets from us. My acolytes are quite skilled, and it is easy to recognize when one of our own has grown accustomed to our ministrations and requires extra attention. One such congregant is a man named Dakramat, who is also a member of a Graydirge gang called the Bone Shards. We’ve long known Dakramat worked with the Bone Shards, but it did not concern us. It is a pathetic group, little more than struggling ruffians, unworthy of our attention—or so I assumed. It seems the group has a new leader. This individual plots to poison Graydirge’s food supply. Dakramat heard about this from his gang’s new leader, but as he wasn’t in the inner circle, he couldn’t provide any details, even under intense interrogation. Our modest congregation consists mostly of living people, and there are many other quick across Graydirge. A mass poisoning is no trifling matter.”

“When word of what happened at Old Ergagh’s Farm reached me, it was clear there truly is a plot against Graydirge… against its living residents, at least. I try to keep myself and the Empty Threshold insulated from such schemes, and I’d appreciate external assistance with this investigation. Thus, I have brought you here to share what I know. The Bone Shards are somehow connected to what has happened, and what may yet happen, if no one acts. I can tell you where their hideout is. Try not to kill all of them. If they have information on this plot, we ought to learn who is involved.”

The group thanks him for the meal and the information and move to get out as fast as they can. Zaheri leads them to an old watering hole and indulges in a rare drink. This is a classy place and they can converse in peace. They decide to head into the hideout. This will be another significant test. Tsekani suggests it will be a use for the figurine of power they found.

Bonesyards and Banks

Campaign DateErastus 14-17, 4722
Game Date05/18/2023

After a night’s rest, Zaheri bemoans that they lack servants to prepare them meals. After a (self made) breakfast, the group heads into Graydirge and the charnel houses of the Meat Market. They descend into old ruins under the area, passing bones as they go. As they follow the direction carefully, they find four skeletons with chattering skulls atop them. They easily eliminate them, but Zaheri does manage to get bitten. Entering into the next room, there are bones and blood, and several severed hands walking about. Three humans are in a recessed cove. They are painted to look undead but are clearly among the living.

Blake approaches boldly asking to talk with them, despite their entries to leave. The female orders one or the two males to attack the skeleton, and she nearly kills him in one blow. Zaheri calls to them to stop fighting as it is clear they will all die. And intimidating glare for Blake seals the deal. Zaheri enters into negotiations with them as Sebastian sews up the one wounded man. Apparently, Dakramat led a woman here who was looking for a key to a Graydirge bank vault. They had taken it from a shopkeeper at some point. She slaughtered most of the gang, animating their bodies and walking them out. A few hands are left.

Zaheri offers them contracted employment at Kellok Manor, which they tentatively accept. They lead the party around the area, astounding for its immense number of bones, and these were what is left over. Back at the house, Zahari introduces the three humans are Sahrage (the girl), Zarken, and Fentan to Arghun and places them under his direction. They have a day or so to make up their minds if they want this safety or a return to the streets.

It is clear that the ruined Bank of Greydirge is the next stop, especially as they have their own key recovered from the house. Blake notes the two keys are starkly different from one another. They group decides to head to the bank the next morning.

They go to the bank which has three giant hands patrolling in routes. They are easy to avoid and the group enters through the already open doors. There is a stone figure who appears to be running away. She does not have clear markings of the Three Fingered Hand on her, but the group is sure this was someone recently turned to stone. Sebastian checks for traps on a door and finds none. However, Blake is not sure, and he strides forward seeing a trap ready to go off. He pushes Sebastian out of the way as three large blades comes swinging out. The prone Sebastian blinks looking at the slowly resetting trap that would have killed him. Zaheri has concern in his voice as he asks Sebastian if he is OK. The investigator nods as he stands.

Blake disables the blades, and the group continues. There is a long hallway with other doors. Those will have to wait as a opkherib gesturing them away. Sebastian suggests they hold up the key, but that does not deter the undead. Knowing they have to fight it, the group readies to attack. Blake and Tsekani move up, while the others fire their bows at the creature. Zahari sends his ghost, Hanover, to harass and attack the creature. As Tumbly moves the light forward, another one is visible.

They group fights hard to kill the first and then the other before either can drain any of their lifeforce. They search over the body in the room and find proof that it was from the Three Fingered Hand gang. The deeper enemy of Graydirge and perhaps Geb has been here.

Game Date06/01/2023

The group continues their search and recovers several continual flame skulls, which they manage to wrench off their stands successfully for most of them. There is a body in the bank, the dead manager, Tilganet. It seems she was fired with prejudice with the closing of the bank, with accusations of her working with the Celebrants. This would have put her at odds with her employers, the Tax Collectors. The poisoned food she at seems so tempting to Zaheri but he pulls away. Blake goes in to fully investigate and retrieves a sample of the poisoned food and the notes, as well as the +1 returning star knife staking the letter to the table.

Further investigation finds a door in the floor that sinks down when Zaheri approaches it with the key. They find a destroyed trap and a mangled body of a women, again someone working for the Three Fingered Hand. They move deeper into the bank, into a long hallway. They are not alone, as two large skulls with vulture-like creatures perched upon them are at either end. The strange otherworldly beasts tell them to leave, despite the presence of the key because the bank is closed. They keep wondering how the group will taste. Blake is not interested in hearing any of it and charges one side, while Tsekani leads to the other. It is a hard and fierce fight, forcing Sebastian to battle heal Blake. Tsekani struggles to hit the target, but Zaheri’s magic is well up to the task, though the ghost Hanover is destroyed in the fight. The creatures are defeated but not destroyed. Their essences back in the skulls. Sebastian opines they will be back up when they can reconstitute themselves. The being sulk in their skulls, still telling the party to go away.

Moving down the hallway, there are a series of locked doors. Each has a skull that lights up with green eyes when Zaheri approaches. They ask the question ”On what is greatness built”. Zaheri thinks on this and answers ”Death and Control”. The skull opens its mouth and Zaheri inserts the key. The door unlocks and he goes in. The first room is simply full of empty deposit boxes. So the proceed to the second.

There is a huge pile of corpses inside that moan and start to move. The necromancer quickly leaves the room and slams the door behind him, which locks. Fortunately, all the boxes in that room appeared to be opened.

Finally on the third try, there is a room, all boxes opened save one. This one fits the key!

Game Date06/08/2023

Inside is a Scroll with a black cloth and old book. The note is from the previous owner, Kellok. He tells the new owners that he can describe, that the pool in the house will eventually show the next owners of the home. It is an unhappy letter, with ill wishes upon the group. The book is Kellok’s research into the scrying pool. Any water visited can be used as a scrying point with the normal limitations, and any rightful owner of the home can use it.

As they stand in the room, a trap door opens and a hidden spot opens. Inside is a contract between the Builder’s League and the Tax Collectors Union. The Builders agree to build the bank, but if it goes unoccupied and unused for a year and a day, it reverts back to the Builders. Technically, the bank has reverted now. This is a bombshell!

In the next room, they find the corpse of a 3 Fingered Hand worker who is just … dead. There is no reason they can tell. The corpse is near a large chest with faint residue of Tremor Paste. Clearly, this held quite a bit. His body has a map drawn to a specific place in the Court of Ghouls in the city. This appears to be where the poor soul was recruited.

There are no other boxes of significance and one room that seems full of something pressing on the door that Sebastian warns against opening. However, there is one last room to explore and it turns out to be Tilganet’s room.

This is the room of an insane woman. The walls and tables are covered in books and papers claiming many different things. Most of it is totally unhinged. Her journal sheds some light on the contract they found. Tilganet was sure it was in the bank. The group is unsure why it would open now, and can only speculate that very last security box needed to be opened to trigger it. Fate playing a hand, perhaps. It seems that Tilganet was working to betray the Tax Collectors after all.

A final look around uncovers another slab that many people seem to have tried to open but cannot. Tilganet’s journal mentions it. There are various writings around the room on what people have tried. The group decides this is a mystery for another day.

03 Court of Ghouls

Campaign DateErastus 16, 4722
Game Date06/08/2023

Another Briefing

Heading out of the city, Zaheri gives a written request to Berline’s staff that they want to meet. The assures them they can meet the next day. The group arrives home to the smells of a great meal. Sharage, Zarkenand Fentonare working out. Over dinner, they agree to stay on. Zaheri proposes they restart the gang under a new name. After some haggling, Sebastian asks if there is any place that might owe them the most money. The name the baker Waygahu, who is short on payment. Zaheri disguises himself and Tsekani and they go to lean on him, representing members of a new gang, the Scarlet Reavers . Zaheri spreads the word on the street that this new gang is taking over the old Bone Shard Territory. Tsekani helps the current members intimidate other shopkeepers.

Waygahu agrees to let the gang set up shop in his unused areas next the bakery for a small share of cuts and overlooking his past debts. This gives the new gang a way to grown, and creates an independent income stream for Kellok Manor.

That afternoon, the group meets with Berline and updates her on their progress, leaving out any mention of the discovered contract. She reveals that the poison combination is quite dangerous and tests show those killed just appear dead of now causes. Apparently, the 3 Fingered Skull tested it on one of their own. Still, his death will not be in vain, as it is the next clue. Zaheri does ask for letters of introduction to the Builders Guild and Tax Collectors Union. Then it is on to the Court of Ghouls.

The Crooked Coffin

Campaign DateErastus 17, 4722
Game Date06/15/2023

The group makes sales on the way to the Court, and arrives at the location on the map, a bar called The Crooked Coffin. The bar is empty save for the group. Blake moves in and sits down and Zaheri sends Tensor to join him. Sebastian takes another table and Zaheri and Tsekani saddle up to the bar. Zaheri drops 5 silver and buys drinks and asks for information from the manager, a ghoul named Keb. Keb is poorly forthcoming on any information on the Three Fingered Hand, other than acknowledging their existence.

Fed up, Sebastian leaves five silver and asks to be contacted if there is the gang is interested in work, giving the name of the bar they used the other night. Keb takes the money and the group leaves. Tsekani notes he is tempted to just charge in. Blake suggests to lay outside in a heap of bones, discreetly, while the rest wait around the corner. Zaheri leaves Tumbly to come get them if things go south. This is their stake out.

It takes only 10 minutes and Keb comes out and looks around. She sees Blake and moves towards him with the two barkeeps. Tumbly takes off to get his master, climbing and clambering over the roofs. Blake stands up just in time for the three to try to grab him. One of the barkeeps slips and falls flat. Keb manages it and goes to drag the tall skeleton away.

At this point, the others come running up. Zaheri launches a full barrage of 3 magic missiles into Keb, causing her to cry out. Sebastian follows with his new returning star knife dropping her and freeing Blake. Tsekani moves in to attack while Blake swings his scythe, slicing to pieces a bar keep. The other abjectly surrenders.

As he moved forward, Tsekani noted someone poke their head out and ducked back in. He chased him, with Tensor under orders by Zaheri to chase as well. They chase the man back into the kitchen, where he closes a door behind him. Noting the canvas roof, Tsekani takes a dagger from Zaheri and adeptly slashes through and lands on the other side of the wall. The rest of the group follows, though Zaheri orders Tensor to open the door. The four slash their way through the room and soon only one man is left standing. At last, someone who owns being in the Three Fingered Hand. He is of little use, other than he is part of the gang. With the sounds of more people to the south, the group presses forward.

Game Date7/27/2023

To the south they find an open door and Sebastian tries to open it but is noticed. Inside is the ghoul Pesgahi, looking every bit the alchemist. He is pouring over books when he noticed the interruption. When the party does not respond to his demands for identification, he leaps up and attacks Blake. The nimble ghoul avoids all damage, while pummeling the skeleton. Finally, Zaheri lands the spell call of the grave, and the scales start to balance. As Blake and Pesgahi trade blows, Zaheri manages to land another spell feast of ashes driving the ghoul to great hunger, but he keeps his wits and uses a magic bracelet to leap away. The startled Blake cannot catch him, but Sebastian strikes him with the star blade and Tsekani catches and takes him down.

The action has aroused several zombies, a piper and giant shamblers on the other side of a locked gate. Tsekani and Blake fight the creatures through the grate, both taking damage from the creatures but able to retreat. Sebastion heals as best he can with his skills and potions. Zaheri uses grease to cause the zombies to fall and they are all beaten down. Tsekani is near death and the group drags the body of Pesgahi back to his lab and shut the door. There the group hunkers down to recover for a few minutes. They search the study and find horrifying notes of experiments on living and undead. Most damming are the notes about poisoning the grain and the strange brews they are making, including something growing out of them.

Game Date8/2/2023

Having heard all sorts of dragging and walking outside, the group feels they cannot wait any longer. They poke their heads out and see three groups wandering, led by brewers. There are zombies regular and large brutes. Tsekani takes the lead and charges into a brewer, knocking him out. The rest of the team falls on the, with Zaheri launching fire support. That team ended, they spy the man they questioned earlier, Ambrose, running and trying to open a gate to more zombies. It takes little for the group to close on him and his minions, dropping them all. Through the gate, they can see strange oozes leaving the brewstills. After a quick bandaging of wounds, they party turns on the remaining group and dispatches them. With the area clear, they open the other door to the south and find a trapped Zombie, the reanimated original owner of the brewhouse, Siget. All he wants is to leave, but he implores the group to free Mered “She is trapped to the north”. The group agrees and moves north, to where Ambrose was trying to flee.

Heading up, they find zombie dogs that Zaheri uses repeats of electric arc to destroy before they can breach the gate. They were around a pile of flesh and a strange note left by Kepgheda to her mother. The group feels they must be close to some answers.

Entering a strange room with a bubbling cauldron, they spy an imprisoned woman. She does not talk but looks fearfully at the cauldron. Screams emanate from it as an invisible creature. As this ghoulish witch attacks, her long misshapen hand clearly has only three fingers. Finally, they are face to face with Kepgheda herself!

The fight is dangerous. Kepgheda attempts to summon a giant zombie, but Blake is in reach and disrupts the spell. However, her attacks are hard, and Tsekani falls before her, nearly dead save for Sebastion’s quick work. Blake and the ghoul dance with scythe and claws with Zaheri firing what little magic he has left for the day. Finally, the foul leader dies as she reaches for her caldron, the star knife embedded in her back.

Campaign DatesErastus 17-28, 4722
Game Date8/16/2023

Battered and bloody, the group takes stock. Tsekani is able to be roused and further aided. Zaheri frees and talks gently with Mered. She is a kidnapped member of the Export Guild, being tortured for secrets of where to best poison. She is in little shape to travel on her own and stays with the party. They rest a while then work to clear the rest of the building. There are three unliving experiments in a lab to the south the group easily dispatches. Zaheri again uses cantrips to wipe out the oozes. The group heads home to rest and recover and the next day take Mered to meet with Berline to report on what happened.

Zaheri relates that he would like to take possession of the brewery and Berline assents. She directs them to Tremere who is a former master brewer who used to work for a man embezzling money from Berline. Now he works as the zombie, Reacher, for Berline, while Tremere tends bar in the city. After their debriefing, the group goes to find Tremere.

Tremere is indeed a master brewer. Tsekani is clear that his brews are good, though Zaheri confesses his differentiation of tastes is not good enough to tell. Tremere signs on for profit sharing and the group fronts the 100 gold to get the facility ready. Zaheri uses prestidigitation to scour the vats, and the rest of the group puts in sweat equity. There is enough time for Zaheri to reconstitute Hanover and add Whisp, a skeletal bird to his inventory of creatures. All of them are better infused with magic and more powerful. Usually, he is seen with Tensor walking beside him.

The group renames the brewhouse Undying Ales with the flagship drink called Arodus Dark Lager. It is a fast success, and Tsekani makes sure that the manor is kept in supply.

Arodus Dark Lager is a huge success. It does not take an expert investigator to figure out Tremere is now brewing at a new location and many of the regular customers from the razed bar find their way to the Undying Ales as word spreads.

Sharage, as the head of the Scarlet Reavers has the idea to reduce suspicion and ease collection, anyone ordering a “Special House Brew” which costs 10x the normal price of Arodus' (fetched from the back) is given a receipt, good for a week, that they can display in their business. These businesses tend not to experience. “bad things”.

This has a two-fold effect. On the one hand there are not ruffians going door-to-door to collect (only to enforce/recruit) and free advertising for the bar, increasing profits. The “Special House Brew” is the same Lager everyone else drinks, of course.

04 Graveclaw

04 Graveclaw

Dinner, Document, Dinner, Directives

Campaign DatesErastus 29 – Arodus 03, 4722
Game Date8/16/2023

A week and a half go by before they are summoned to meet with the Governor of Greydirge Taff Gekhta Seven Stomachs and Berline that evening.

The Dinner with the Governor is less a dinner and more a grilling. The Governor is most distressed both with the poison plot and the disruptions in the city of Graydirge, including the actions of the group. Zaheri does most of the talking, spinning a tale as one of heroic defense on their part. The Governor is quite upset with the instructions into the closed bank. Both Zaheir and Sebastion explain they were working to follow up on the previous intrusion. They are all interrupted by another ghoul storming into the building. The ghoul, Ishani, lights into the room complaining about the violation of the bank which is the Taxing Guild’s property. Zaheri asks Ishani a pointed question about how long the bank has been closed, which is over a year. He then asks Sebastion for the document of ownership they found. Zaheri reads it aloud and hands it to the Governor before Ishani can snatch it. The Governor reads the letter after admonishing Ishani.

Into the Woods

Campaign DatesArodus 04, 4722
Game Date8/16/23 & 8/24/23

Lady Berline Haldoli arrives for supper, but dinner isn’t served until she had a long chat, catching up with all the local Graydirge gossip: who was marrying who, who had the best recipe for pig head pie, the latest lich creation and the qualities of the estate’s landscaping, “Which is done so excellently—my compliments!”.

Once supper is underway, Berline is served by her skeletal maid, Glorinsa, while a second skeleton named Reacher remains in the foyer with a hand on his sword. With every dish set before her, Berline rubs a ring on her finger that twinkled with a green light. “Oh, it’s just a poison detector,” she explains with a happy smile. “Of course, I don’t suspect you of anything. It’s just a good habit to keep. We Blood Lords can never really be too careful!”.

“Speaking of poison,” she says as the last dishes are whisked away. “I’ve done some discreet nosing around concerning that Kepgeda person you all faced down the other day. She was a naughty young woman, no mistake.” Berline leans in as if spilling some confidential secret.

“Sure enough, a coven of hags called the Graveclaw made the toxin you discovered. The Graveclaw includes an annis hag named Iron Taviah, and Kepgeda was her daughter!”

Leaning back in her chair as Glorinsa pours a cup of after-dinner coffee, Berline continues.

“Graveclaw has quite the reputation. Quite. Iron Taviah lives in Axan Wood; they say she fled there after Magaambya representatives drove her out of the Mwangi Expanse decades ago. But the rest of the coven… they’re all scattered! No one knows where they are. That’s not usual for a coven of hags, no it isn’t. Not at all.

“Frankly, I’m quite curious about this coven. Making an undetectable poison and testing it on innocent farmers? Whatever for? And who dares even attempt such a thing in Geb, where punishment is so, well, let’s be honest, so severe.

“I know it’s a lot to ask, since you all have this lovely new home here and are no doubt as comfortable as ticks in a bottle of blood. But would you mind too terribly visiting Iron Taviah in Axan Wood? I don’t think she’ll be very happy to see you, since you eliminated her daughter, but I really think we ought to find out what this poison business is all about, don’t you?

“Once you’ve figured it out, well, I need you to clean it all up. Murder, I think, is the best fate for everyone involved. After all, Iron Taviah and anyone she’s in league with—I’d guess her coven, frankly—sought to inflict death on a massive scale. That mustn’t go unpunished. No, it mustn’t. I’m responsible to enact some justice, and I’m doing so through you.”

The group of course agrees to the “request” from the Blood Lord and says they will head to the forest to explore.

Finally, Berline offers the group a ritual, that will allow them to benefit from negative healing, but be harmed by positive healing. Well, she offers to the three quick members of the party. Zaheri instantly agrees. Sabastian and Tsekani ask some questions, but both agree. For the next year, the men will be under this effect. If they live that long.

Red Caps and Dead Trees

The group heads south into Axan Woods. Zaheri rides in style upon Greyleg, his skeletal mount, while the others walk. The trees are think and the pathway winding, with occasional openings. After a few hours of travel there is something from up ahead. Blake is on point, and he hears two figures talking to each other headed up the pathway. He motions for the rest to hide. Zaheri takes his time to break down Greyleg and summon Hanover, his ghost. Thus distracted, he does not have time to hide and is on the path when two redcaps come into view. Zaheri challenges them, but remains in place, behind where Tsekani and Blake are hiding in the trees.

”I am Zaheri Javed, emissary of a Blood Lord!”

The redcaps are most unimpressed. They tell the wizard they will take his head, and indeed, the two have several heads hung from their belts. They advance towards Zaheri and right into a surprise attack. The lead redcap is felled by scythe and fire and bow. The other runs, with Hanover and Tsekani following. This one is killed with fist and ghostly touch and fire. As the fight is over, Sabastion notes that he saw a women briefly, but she melded with the forest. They group knows know they are being watch by a woman. Zaheri shouts out a warning to this mysterious woman. They do find a key upon the bodies but not much else. Zaheri takes the heads, wagering someone wants them, based on the conversations of the two.

Blake picks up their trail and the decide to follow it. As they are tracking, Zaheri decides that being mounted makes tracking and responding more difficult and keeps on foot, with Hanover floating beside him. The path leads to a mysterious pyramid like structure, guarded by some sort of undead creatures. The trail from the redcaps gives it a wide berth. As the party gives the structure the same distance, the guardians leave them alone. Zaheri is tempted to investigate, but the group wants to leave it be.

The trail seems to end at several headless bodies. Blake moves up and he notes aloud the bodies seem to be being dragged under and consumed by trees. Alarmed, Zaheri calls for him to back up, and indeed four undead trees erupt and attack. Hanover brings Zaheri’s attention to a woman in the woods, but she melds as he glances at her. Without time for that, Zaheri orders Hanover forward between two of the trees and unleashes a scorching ray into its center with a deadly hit. Reeling back in face of this perfectly placed blast, the undead monster is further damaged by the disrupting touch of Hanover. The other tree is startled by the presence of the ghost but still tries to attack Blake.

Tsekani launches into an attack on the tree closest to him and Sebastian throws his starknife. Finally, Blake, at first startled by the trees, swings his scythe, cutting into the nearest tree. Two of the trees move to entangle Blake and Tsekani in their branches. Zaheri drains stored power from Tumbly and uses his scorching ray on another tree, and again lands a perfect shot, and again so does his minion. Just like that half the forces against them are gone. The undead are unable to hold either of the warriors in their branches, and both Tsekani and Blake fight back, while Zaheri and Sebastion continue at range. Eventually, the trees fall, with Tsekani beating apart his tree with the fury of attacking his old practice log.

House of the Iron Hag

Campaign DatesArodus 05, 4722
Game Date9/14/23

The group continues down the path. The long summer day is ending and the party finds a place for a secure camp. After they have set up, the mysterious tailed woman appears to them. She calls herself Drusilla. The party is wary of her, and very circumspect. She asks their intentions, if they want to kill the hag Iron Taviah. Her tale is that the hag stole her true love, Neboah from her. She wants her justice. Zaheri takes the lead at first, refusing to commit. However, the fey offers Zaheri a book of magic. The lich-bred wizard already knows the hunger for knowledge that will someday consume him. He agrees to kill the hag, as that is his mission anyway, and takes the book. This takes his attention for the rest of the conversation.

Drusilla engages the rest of the party in a riddle game for a while before departing. After her visit, the surrounding forest seems less threatening and more safe. The party enjoys a decent night’s sleep and rest, with unsleeping Blake standing guard.

The next morning they continue to the House of the Iron Hag. Outside are two fetchlings, a male and female. They are working the farm and invite the group inside. It is clear to Zaheri they are up to no good. The two run to get into the house. The group cautiously enters the home to be confronted by a talking fireplace inviting them in. The group spreads out upon entering and sees the two fetchlings facing them plus a third. The person greeting them is actually the talkative house spirit, Snert???.

The conversations leads to the understanding Iron Taviah is downstairs and it is clear that they group will have to go through the fetchlings to get to her. A fight ensues that is brutal and short. The new man engages Blake and is cut in two by his powerful blows, ignoring his own damage. Tsekani intimidates the fetchling closest to him, causing the man to drop his weapon and flee. He then closes on one of the women, Anatalla, who places a dagger in his chest. The monk responds by knocking her out, but entranced by her beauty, he stabilizes her as Blake and Sebastion kill the remaining foe. The party heals up, and heads downstairs to deal with the real enemy, the hag poisoning Graydirge.

Game Date9/21/23

Moving downstairs, the group descends into a darkness impervious to normal light. Zaheri casts light upon Sebastion’s star knife and uses the torch on Tumbly. Hanover follows Blake down the stairs into the strange murk.

The basement itself is full of what appears to be decades of clutter. They are invited in by a large woman, clearly their foe. Sebastion and Zaheri pick their way through the debris to be at some distance from the foul creature, while Blake edges closer to her. Inside the room, yet another fetchling works at some unknown tasks, but she sure is not cleaning.

Taviah cackles and speaks in a friendly manner that everyone knows is a lie, and she knows they know it is a lie. Not interested in banter, Zaheri suddenly lets loose with a scorching ray, catching her in the face and declares,

”We are sent her by the Blood Lords to exterminate you”.

Despite the blast, the hag simply laughs and transforms in a large monster of a woman. Eldritch energy emanates from her claws, and her mouth takes on a too large sharp-toothed evil smile. Twin shadows appear behind Sebastion and Zaheri, who are both focused on their foe. Fortunately, Tumbly notices the shadows and calls out a warning to his master. Both turn and are not caught flatfooted, but the shadows strike them both, regardless.

Before Taviah can act further, Blake lands two strong attacks with his magical scythe upon her. Some of the arrogance of the hag is lost as she takes these mighty blows. She conjures and iron cage around Blake and moves away, with Hanover drifting along in pursuit.

A small drake appears, slithering through the clutter and throws a ball of energy to strike Sebastian and Zaheri, sending them both reeling. Sebastion quickly uses his medical training and potions to heal them both. Zaheri’s relief is short lived as the fetchling woman manages to leap across the junk in the room to stab Zaheri solidly, sending him reeling back.

At this moment, Tsekani is himself leaping through the air to attack the hag where she stands. She is able to twist and turn avoiding his blows, but she is forced to stay put as Blake bursts free from the cage as he stops it closing at the last moment. He wades through the room to strike the fetechling attacking Zaheri, landing a solid blow. The Iron Hag directs her claws to Tsekani, landing hard blows, but is unable to grab the agile monk. The drake and fetchling foolishly turn on Blake who seems more dangerous, allowing Sebastian to again heal Zaheri, helping them both be missed by the shadows hovering nearby. Still shaken, the necromancer just misses another ray at the hag. Zaheri feels some sense of despair as he looks at his blood on the floor, however, Taviah has made a critical mistake in allowing Tsekani to remain close to her. The monk lands furious blows against her, driving her ribs through her heart. She collapses dead. The menacing shadows fade away and there is a moment of silence.

Then, with a moaning, crashing sound whole room shudders. The fetchling starts to run and is brutally cut down by Blake who is quite tired of this nonsense. Zaheri and Sabastian both are convinced the whole place is going to collapse and tell everyone to run. Blake notices the terrified Drake and scoops it up. The whole group charges up the stairs, the non-athletic wizard in the rear. The whole house is shaking as they emerge into the upstairs. Tsekani grabs Anatalla and they run outside, fully expecting the house to collapse upon itself. However, Sebastion notes the house spirit inside working to hold it up.

After a few minutes, the shaking stops. Blake re-enters the home to find it quite damaged but stable. The old doorway to the basement is nothing more than dirt. The whole basement was simply a mini-dimension created by the hag. Drusialla shows up as they search the home. She greets the house spirit warmly and offers the party apples, which they all refuse. While there is not much of note, they do find a notebook of import. It leads to what appears to be bigger game.

Reading the journal, it is clear that periodically, the fetchlings load the braingrit being produced here onto a wagon provided by the Carters Consortium. The notebook is filled with pickup dates and quantities of the toxin. Notes in the margins o the book name Sahni Bride-of-the-Sea with the words “tremor paste” and “Shallowshore” beneath them. A second notes names Decoria and the town of Pagked with the words “Insufficient quantity!” These appear to be the other two hags in the coven. Clearly, the threat is not over.

05 Shallowshore

Dinner, Document, Dinner, Directives

Campaign Dates Arodus 04 – Arodus 14 4722
Game Date2/22/24

Returning to Kellog Mannor, Zaheri makes some discrete inquiries for mindless labor. He begins digging down from his secret room to build a new chamber. As this is started, he also researches the other possible locations for the other two hags. The fetchling Anatalla returns with the group, not sure what else she would do.

The group decides to go to the closest place, Shallowshore. Sallowshore is a port town on the coast of Geb directly east from Thornhearth. The town appears to be sinking into the ocean, with half the buildings already partially sunken under the water. The upper floors that poke above the water are connected by shoddy wooden bridges. The local leader seems to have died some years back, and now the town appears to function without leadership.

The party is easily able to cross the Axan Wood, now they have a friend in Drusilla. In fact, the fey visits them during their trip. They again refuse her offer of an apple. They arrive at Shallowshore, and find the city stinks as one would expect. There are many of the lacedo type of aquatic ghouls and may lizardfolk. The city is divided between the air breathers and those underwater. The group decides to pick the Eel House Inn, as the other is partially submerged. After being welcomed in, the Logash, the lizarfolk proprietor shows them rooms, and they double up, two to a room. Zaheri notices that the rooms have every spot sealed, clearly showing the owner plans to charge them for each thing. In high anger, he and Blake stalk back. Zaheri dresses down this common shopkeeper, and the man quails in the face of Zaheri’s righteous anger and the cold blazing eyes of the hobgoblin skeleton towering over them both. The rent now set at 1 gold a day for both rooms, the group begins exploring the sunken town.

After talking with people in town in pairs, the four meet up and discuss next steps. It seems the hag Sahani is known as the “town lawyer”. None will speak ill of her, but there is story after story of people making deals with her that seem to go … sideways, like the story of the “monkey’s paw”. The group quickly comes to the idea that defeating her will be a popular move locally. They decide there are three key people they want to talk with: The chief customs officer, Gishkar, Keystone of the Tax Collectors Guild, and the Head of the Builders League, Tobias Highridge, a vampire. It seems the vampire’s “wife” was a hag who was murdered by Sahani, Bride-of-the-sea. It stands to reason he will have a beef with the group’s target. Tsekani and Blake go to see Gishkar and the others will call on the Tax Collector first.

Teskani and his skeletal companion find they can get work by visiting the Gishkar, the Lizardfolk customs officer. He will present them with a writ they can use to get well paying jobs. Unfortunately, there is a long line ahead of them that will take 3 hours. Neither is quite that interested in waiting, so they bully their way to the front of the line. Inside they meet Gishkar and he is most impressed. It is quite easy for the two of them to find significant work making good money moving freight. This gives them no problems with talking with the other workers to get a feel for the land. One individual emerges from the water, a ghoul, carrying a single case. The workers say that is a special for Sahrai. Caviar. They have to assume that it is not the tremor paste, as the custom’s agent is really thought to be very straight up and resistant to bribes. It pays well, but only for those able to survive being underwater.

That evening, they gather with the other workers for meals, though Blake takes some proffered bones for repairs. They see Giskar come in and chat him up. The city is only sort of stable. It is clear Sahari is a dominant factor.

For the other two, the day is a bit more eventful. Sebastian and Zaheri first go to the office of the Tax Collector. They are met by a ghoul servant, but don’t get taken to Keystone himself. Instead they meet his mother. She tells them he is very sick, and shows them him lying in a sick bed. He made a deal with Sahari for wealth, but every new client causes him to become more ill. Zaheri remarks that is what happens when you deal with a hag, and the woman is taken aback. Apparently, the town does not know what they deal with. She offers them a fortune if they kill Sahari, and Zaheri notes she is far too trusting of strangers. However, he accepts, and the two men leave the somber household.

The next stop is Blaet of the Builder’s Guild. There the two men and Zaheri’s skeleton are greeted and escorted into a courtyard. Zaheri remarks to Sebastion,

”Do you ever feel like the fly?”

Sebastion starts to demure, but then a voice speaks out and taunts them. Zaheri, just sitting on a bench, sighs and stands up. A terracotta statue of a gargoyle comes to life and advances on the men, while an assassin vine stirs from the edge of the garden. Both men are rather perturbed but not particularly scared.

Sebastion moves with his normal clarity and speed and gets out of the way of the approaching construct. He tries his starknife but misses. Zaheri uses his full magic missile knocking chunks of the statue. Tensor, as guard, moves to intercept the statue and deals two strong blows. The statue attacks the skeletal guarding and the vine advances. Things go well from there. Sebastion hits with his starknife this time and while Tensor misses, Zaheri’s scorching ray burns the approaching vine. The statue is focused on Tensor and hits him again, but Sebastion is able to heal him and Zaheri does so as well, magically. Tensor is fully resorted.

The vine, confused, attacks the statue, grabbing it an hosting it into the air. Just then the voice comes again and Tobias Highridge enters into the room. He congratulate them on passing his test. Neither man is amused, and Zaheri has Tensor destroy the statue. He contemplate more fire for the retreating assassin vine but demurs.

Highridge welcomes them to eat with him, but both men do not eat. He asks them to kill Sahari and bring back the ring of his bride. It appears Sahari killed his wife. Another enemy of the sea-hag. Zaheri agrees as a “man of his word” if Highridge is not lying. The two men depart into the fading light and head back to the inn to meet up with their two comrades.

Unmasking the Hag

Game Date2/29/24

Tsekani and Blake approach the Fishmonger about getting Blake a job transporting a crate for Sahani, the Sea Hag. He is easily able to do this and heads down to her location. Blake is shocked to find it is a sunken temple to Urgathoa. Blake sees and alter and two guardians who only advance if he enters. Blake displays the holy symbol for the goddess of the undead and makes appropriate gestures of worship from afar. The skeleton takes the crate to the fishmonger who makes only a cursory inspection of it. It seems to be only caviar.

Meanwhile, Zaheri and Sebastion explore the half sunken city, asking about this “town lawyer”. Always the story is the same. Sahari, whom none know is a hag, makes deals and always upholds her end. However, there is always a catch in the payment, much like the “monkey’s paw” of legend. The group meets up and Zaheri instructs Blake to get another crate tomorrow, and they should plan for an assault on the temple, but he wants another look inside a crate.

The next day, Blake again heads down, this time exploring further into the temple. He has heard the temple has been defiled by being turned into a temple to Dagon, a demon with ideas above his station, but often worshiped by evil sea folk. He is most unhappy with this understanding. The guardians allow his worship, and then Blake takes the crate for a full inspection. As Zaheri suspected, it does contain the tremor paste, hidden in the bottom. Blake returns with this news. That is enough for Zaheri.

The noble wizard marches to the Fishmonger’s office, Blake and Tsekani frightening away the line. Barging in, he demands an understanding from the Fishmonger. He has Blake show off the crate’s contraband and access the customs officer of being part of it. The Lizardfolk man is shocked! He tells the group that he had no idea at all. He promises his guild will investigate. Zaheri promises he and his group will take care of this traitor now. The mage tries to obtain additional help, but none will serve. Disgusted, Zaheri returns to the inn to change clothes and get potions. He packs up Tensor and summons Hanover, who can move more easily underwater. Tumbly has already been prepared with gills and webbed hands and feet.

Headed back, they encounter a growing mob. The head is an angry woman named Hanst. The mob is worried that Zaheri and his friends will fail, and the reprisals of Sahari will fall on them. Zaheri, backed by the glowing eyes of Blake, backs her down, noting he will not forget the face of anyone who stands in his way and that there is always room for more zombie workers. Hanst backs down and parts the mob. The four march to the edge of the water and head down to the lair of their enemy.

Lair of the Sea Hag

Blake tells the others to follow his lead. Showing the proper observance, he talks with the guardian flesh golems. They want the hag dead, and the shrine to Dagon destroyed. Blake pledge this, and all four make a gesture of worship at the true deity of this shrine. Wondering where to go next, Zaheri notes he memorized the map and the upper lefthand corner looks like it leads to the most likely area.

As soon as Blake enters the room, he is attacked by a ghoul alligator, which bites and grabs him. This is only one of two in the room, and Tsekani trades blows with the other. Struggling to engage, Zaheri misses with his phase bolt but Hanover manages a ghostly touch as Blake frees himself only to be struck critically, causing him to collapse to avoid the worst of the damage. Tsekani continues to fight the other beast, while Sebastion runs up to heal the monk. Blake, reforms and goes to town on the ghoul he was fighting. Now the necromancer’s phase bolt lands and the monster dies as Hanover finishes it off. The other ghoul and Tsekani grapple, neither landing a solid blow. Sebastion cannot reach to help and Blake, shaken by the other ghoul, does not connect. Ironically, the final blow is again struck by the ghost, Hanover. The group takes a moment to heal up and presses forward.

Game Date3/14/24

The next chamber is some sort of kitchen/pantry. Finding nothing, Blake moves south to find their prey. She is not alone, flanked with a Mandragona and a foul ooze! Worst of all, in front of her is a swarm of blood leeches. The leeches swarm Blake, but there is no blood there. However, Shari lands a curse on the hobgoblin skeleton, and Blake is stupefied. The leeches are just out of range of the three living members of the group. Zaheri curses that he cannot use a burning hands under water, but Tsekani steps up and annihilates the leeches with a blur of fists! Zaheri instead fires a full magic missile into the sea had herself. It is at this moment the Mandragona shrieks, but its sickening only harms the living, and that does not include the party members effected. Sahani herself is, however, forcing her to retreat. Even stupefied, Blake lands a blow upon her as she retreats. Sebastion cannot attack from the back, which seems to be a theme.

Tsekani moves forward as the hag moves back, and he is attacked by the ooze, entangled in its sticky mess. He is soon also fighting the mandragona, also a grabbing creature. Sebastion races forward to heal him with an alchemical mixture.

Zaheri steps forward to see his foe, and casts boneshaker a powerful necromantic spell. While Sahari wills herself to avoid the worst of the effects, Zaheri still pulls at her bones and forces her, like puppet back to the side, where Hanover moves to strike her. Blake strikes at the ooze and then heads to hit the hag. Before Hanover can act, the hag disperses the ghost in a cloud of claws. Meanwhile, Tsekani grabs the ooze and forces it onto the mandragona, almost dissipating the purple mess, its acid burning the plant creature. He continues the fight and Sebastion again helps him stay healed and fighting, while Blake concentrates on the Hag, who now tries to run.

Zaheri strokes Tumbly and uses is power to recast boneshaker and yanks Shari back, taunting her. Tsekani manages to kill the ooze and concentrates on his other foe. The two trades blows as Blake gives chase to Sahani. Sebastion uses his starknife to attack the fleeing hag, who in turn strikes at Blake. Zaheri tries an electric arc and misses the hag but cripples the mandragona. Unfortunately, Teskani is very hurt by the plant-creature as he grapples with it, so Sebastion stops his aid of Blake and heals his friend again, noting he is running out of tricks. Blake, however kills the sea had, Sahari and Teskani finally puts down the mandrgaona.

Heading to the other side of the temple, the group uncovers wights in coffins. Suddenly, Blake and Tsekani are surrounded and severely hurt. The wights are moaning about how bad things are for them, but they seem to have been former worshipers of Ugorathoa. Zaheri calls for them to fall back to the temple guardians. The golems do indeed move forward, and start down the wights, who retreat to their coffins.

Cleaning Up

Game Date3/21/24

With the wights back in their unlidded coffins, Zaheri has had enough. He brings out Tensor and floats up in the water using his phase bolt twice on one of the undead. They all get up and move, complaining all the way. They don’t head into the area with the guardians, but another nook. Blake and Tensor bottle them up, themselves immune from being turned by the wights. Sabastian and Zaheri used ranged attacks while Tensor, Blake and Tsekani pummel the wights. The fight it quickly over.

They scour the temple and find a magically secure book of records, proof of the hag’s ill plans. They also find the shrine to Dagon outside, but a deep one is floating near it. They hesitate to destroy the shrine today, and decide to return fully restored tomorrow, just in case.

The group emerges, wet and bedraggled. Zaheri performs a fast prestidigitation and uses a wand of harm to heal the party. They are approached by townspeople who are thrilled! The hag’s curses are broken.

Zaheri stops Hanst and asks her to dinner, much to the surprise of his companions. Normally, Zaheri has been a near ascetic, showing no interest in pleasures of the heart of flesh. The group returns to their inn and dresses. Zaheri is quite clear he does not expect to pay anything further, to which the innkeeper agrees. Sebastion offers to meet with Highridge, while Zaheri meets with Keystone’s mother, and Blake and Tsekani meet with the Fishmonger. They come away with the favor of the Builders and Traders Guilds, but Sebastion withhold’s the ring from Highridge, and thus the Tax Collector’s favor. Instead, he offers the vampire remains. It is not until the way home that Zaheri realizes this has happened.

That evening, Zaheri offers a startled Hanst a chance to use her chemical skills in supporting the Graydirge farm in their charge. He also notes he is looking for good breeding stock to discharge his duty of reproduction before his planning transformation into a lich. Hanst is taken aback by the offer, which she is able to see is strangely sincere, but this is Geb, after all.

Hanst is a resourceful woman who took over her husband’s business after the hag killed him. She as become a leader in the community, and was able to get the mob to stand down once it was aroused. Zaheri was impressed. He proposes her being evaluated by his mother, The Lady Nesket, herself now a lich, as breading stock. He is clear that if marriage is what is needed, he can agree to that. Hanst thinks it over and the next morning, still unsure, has decided that there is little for her in Shallowshore, and heads out with the group after the destroy the shrine to Dagon.

06 Pagket

Kellok Interludes

Campaign Dates Arodus 16 – Arodus 27, 4722
Game Date4/4/24


Before the group leaves Shallowshore, they use the discounts offered to shop. Tsekani looks high and low for a belt of lifting and has to give up. As they are packing, Zaheri offers him the very thing with a smug smile. Tsekani takes the belt but wonders just why it had been hard to find.

As they depart, Zaheri talks with Tsekani about a temple looking for chosen ones to ritually mummify. He pitches the idea to his monk companion, saying it would put him into the upper ranks, well at least upper middle ranks, of Geb society in a matter of weeks. Tsekani stalks forward muttering about asking Blake how great it is. Undeterred, Zaheri turns to Sebastion to talk vampires. It is clear the necromancer sees achieving undeath as a noble goal.

Four days of travel as the group returning to Kellok Mannor, Zaheri looks into the construction of servant’s quarters on the land. He prepares Hanst for the visit to the farm. Arghun takes them to the scrying pool and shows them how to see where they have been. Zaheri is unable to make it scry well to where they are going. It is clear this will take some more work and experience. They have not yet changed when a letter arrives from Berline inviting them to dinner. Of course they accept and Zaheri includes Hanst.

Dinner is an interesting affair. Beline is proud to show of she is getting ale from Undying Ales. She is most appreciative. The group makes their report, and Zaheri introduces Hanst whom Berline welcomes most warmly. Berline also makes is quite clear, in her oblique style, she knows the new gang, the Scarlet Reavers are working for the four of them, and makes sure they understand too much corruption is bad for business.

After dinner, the group adjourns to Undying Ales, where the crowd is doing well. They pick up their “earnings” from the bar and the actions of their extortionists and have a relaxing evening. The next day, it is time to head out to deal with Decrosia, the last hag.

The Rusty City


The four proto-champions of Geb take the next few days to travel to the town of Pagket. It is a small town in decline, that was once full of bustling factories south of the border between Geb and the Mana wastes. The town itself is a far cry from its former self. Factories stand silent, but some have started up. The citizens are mostly virulak undead, poor souls who died in a horrible plague. The city seems to have no living at all. Besides the virulak are undead forge-spurned dwarves and clockwork riflemen. It is all strange to the group, used to swords and flesh, not walking metal.

Clockwork Rifler

They crew stops a wagon going in to see what he is transporting. It looks mostly to be chemicals. Careful review of the clockwork soldiers show they carry rifles. Needing to get inside. Zaheri disguises the group as three virulak, while making Blake look like a clockwork. The group enters the city. The virulak are rude and brusk. Zaheri is able to fit right in with subtle questioning on where to obtain a weapon for Blake. This gets them to an armory, where they are easily able to find fire arms, though Sebastion sets on off. This results in a sudden knock at the door and demanding clockwork riflemen. Zaheri, in full noble mode, deceives the bots (crit) and tells them this is a firing range and the bots go, though not after testing their weapons on the side of the building. Searching the room, they also find an elixir of greater comprehension and a note showing them that their target is in one of four factories. Zaheri suggests the two more athletic climb to a roof to scan the city. Blake fails on the first attempt, still rattled by the gun. Tsekani leaps up to the top and helps Blake on his second attempt. They view the city and look for their next clue!

Encounters in a Graveyard

Game Date4/11/24
Campaign DatesArodus 28-29

Seeing figures in the graveyard who seems separate from the movements of the city, the group decides to investigate. They find their two Revenants, undead kept alive by the need to kill the one who killed them. They are Birrab and Daiama Maiklin, groom and bride to be married on the day the plague struck. While talking, they are approached by another viralck, calling himself “The Shroud”. He is the former mayor of the city and a sworn enemy of the hag, Decrosia. He reveals she is sending shipments to both Shallowshore and to another hag! There is an unheard of fourth member to deal with. Decrosia is importing guns from the Manawaste city of Alkenstar. The Shroud invites them to his warehouse to flesh out a plan.

The Shroud is able to help them pinpoint the warehouse their prey is in. The group investigates the city and comes up with several schemes. The largest is for the Mayor and Daiama to create a diversion and chase by the slow robotic soldiers, while Birrab accompanies party inside. With his ability to detect Decrosia, he can guide them. They resume their disguises, and dress Tensor up as another clockwork guard. Then, Blake “escorts” them under the story they are to be led in as prisoners to be questioned.

Factory of War

Game Date4/25/24
Campaign DatesArodus 30-31

A Mechanic Explained

By making rolls in the last session, the players earned Heist Points that allowed them to engage in a cinematic flashback for what they had prepared to do and spend that point to implement it, often with a successful roll. This mechanic is used in Blades in the Dark, an it is a great one we can recommend highly for any sort of heist adventure. Adapt it as you see fit. In this instance, its use will have in bold HEIST POINT when it was used in the session.

Getting in and Getting Stuck in

With their disguises in place, and their diversion active, the party of 6 (including Tensor and Birrab) marches up to the factory in question. They are stopped by two guards left outside the building. Upon Blake convincing the guards they are their with prisoners, the guard asks to see Blake’s entry pass.


Fortunately, Blake had noticed these passes and Zaheri was able to create one for him and work it into his disguise. A panel on Blake’s chest slides up to revel an expertly made forgery (craft and deception by Zaheri). They easily get inside.

The Shroud

Once inside, they see the undead dwarven forge-spurned at work. A patrol of several clockwork are headed towards them. Blake is able to again bluff the guards, but one stops to talk to the disguised Tensor in the back. Tensor, being a mindless skeleton, cannot speak back. Zaheri attempts to throw his voice but fails miserably. When confronted, Zaheri sneers that this guard can’t speak because Zaheri broke him. Zaheri’s natural arrogance makes his disguise as a virulak all the more convincing. The guard orders Tensor to go with the others to be repaired, and Zaheri repeats the order as if mocking. He watches his “bone shield” walk away, following the other clockwork guards, and Tensor is replaced by a real guard. The whole group almost walks past the open door of the foreman, who is bound to investigate this unusual appearance of prisoners, however:


Fortunately, Zaheri wanted a better look inside the factory if possible. He sent Tumbly out for a look inside the windows. Tumbly was able to sketch a layout and talk to his master. Here, Blake is able to lead them based on that map, and head to the north stairs, towards the office where Decrosia awaits.

Up the stairs the round the corner, Tsekani and the real guard still on the stairs, and Blake is confronted by a statue of a minotaur. As expected, this is a golem. It demands to know what they are doing there, and, this time, Blake cannot talk his way past. It charges Blake, in what would be a bloody gore, shattering bones, but Blake holds himself in place.


Fortunately, Sebastian heard from Tumbly about this large statue, and correctly deduced this was an iron golem. He informed the party that if they ran into such a thing, it was vulnerable to electrical damage, and Zaheri prepared spells accordingly. So was he.

Blake uses his dragon spit to shoot out electric arc which not only hurts the beast but causes it some confusion. Sebastion then splashed oil of unlife on Blake as he dashes forward, in a practiced move. As this happens, Tsekani suddenly turns on the startled guard and smashes him with his fists. Birriab leaps past the guard away from the large golem. Zaheri tries a tanglefoot spell, but the construct is only slowed slightly. It charges forward, critting on Blake and goring Zaheri as Sebastion just gets out of the way. Blake collapses to avoid being totally shattered, while Zaheri finds himself with a gaping hole in his side, massive bleeding, and the minotaur pinning him, as it struggles to free itself from being embedded in the wall.

Things seem dire. Blake reforms and charges the stuck minotaur. Sebastion again heals the skeleton, as fractures magically mend, and fragments float into place. He then spits again, putting more electrical charge into the beast. Birriab finishes off the clockwork guard, enraged at being slowed so close to his target as the weakened and dizzy Zaheri manages to just get off his own electric arc spell, even while pinned. This deactivates the golem, but leaves the necromancer pinned. The massive Tsekani wrenches the inert metal body away, freeing Zaheri.

Tsekani suggests they get the clockwork guard into the hall way to not be seen from the stairs, but the commotion has caused the foreman to come investigate. When confronted, Tsekani suggests the foreman go back to his office as the group was there for a change of management. The foreman looks up the stairs, shrugs his shoulders and laughs to himself.

”Change of management, huh? They are all going to die. Still, could be interesting.”

It is clear that he, like most of the citizens, would be happy to see the hag deposed.

Sebastion ministers to Zaheri’s wounds, and the wizard pulls vials of oil of unlife to magically heal himself. While Blake talks Birriab into waiting before charging again, Zaheri thanks Sebastion and Tsekani for their help, especially the large monk, saying,

”I thought I was going to just die under that bulk of metal and my body would be no better than a mindless zombie. Thank you friend.”

This leaves Tsekani rather confused.

Healed and ready, the group lets Birriab charge into the upstairs office. Their they see the hag Decrosia, waiting for them, gun in hand. She cackles about waiting for them, and in a surprise move, leaps out the window, to escape into the street below!


Fortunately, Zaheri was ready for this eventuality, and had The Shourd and Daiama double back to spring a trap on anyone jumping out of this office. Decrosia finds herself in a net. Birriab wastes no time in leaping after her. The hag shouts for help from the many guards roaming the streets.

The Final Fight

Game Date5/02/24
Campaign DatesArodus 31 – Rova 5

Blake looks down to see Decrosia has easily slashed the net, though it did slow her down and force her to be surrounded. Her cries for help could summon her powerful guards.


Fortunately, Blake thought to hide the ally with disgruntled merchant carts. At either side of the ally, the view to the ground is blocked. The guards might still hear her, however, there areadditional explosives of powder set up by Sebastion timed to go off.

Birrab claws the woman who killed him, digging deeply as Tsekani jumps down to attack. She has her gun to the former mayor’s head, threatening to destroy him. She laughs as Tsekani approaches, knowing his fists will do little damage to her magical form.


Fortunately, Sebastion and Tsekani talked about this, and Tsekani came with a tincture of cold iron on his wraps, which he just applied before the door was open. The hag screams as the damage lands. It is at this point that Sebastion’s explosions go off. No one is soon coming to Decrosia’s aid.

Daiama claws the hag as she steps back, ”You ruined my wedding!” she cries, her claws digging deeply.

Decrosia fires her gun at Tsekani and reloads. The Shourd and Birrah both join Daiama in attacking their hated foe. Tsekani and Blake flank her, with the skeleton connecting. Sebastian spits at her, but fails to land well when he jumps out. Finally, Zaheri stands, framed in the window, and unleashes a barrage of 6 magic missiles into Decrosia, and the force rips through her body killing her. Suddenly, there is silence, as the noise of approaching clockwork soldiers ceases. Then cheering can be heard. Birrab and Daiama thank the party. They embrace and their souls are released from their undead forms. The party is left with a jubilant Shroud.


In the aftermath of the attack, they have time to ready what they found. Nathnelma is being shipped to a necromancy school in another city. This is the location of the extra hag. The Shroud invites them to rest and recover in his home. As they sit and eat dinner, Blake taking some scavenged bones to nit into himself, Zaheri is quite silent. It is clear the young man is troubled. He finally opens up.

It is clear his brush with death has rattled the arrogance of the lich bred. His certainty of his destiny has been brought into doubt. To a confused group, Zaheri apologizes for treating them as underlings, and promises he sees them as equals. Blake shrugs this off as living person growth, his past life memories enough to see it as the vagaries of youth. The other living companions, when they understand Zaheri is serious, accept what he says without much comment beyond welcoming him to real life.


Upon return to Kellok Mannor, Zaheri finds a letter from his mother approving of Hanst as a breeding partner and she has been directed to other things besides farming. Zaheri finds Hanst engaged and excited, having been interviewed by his mother, face to face. She seems undisturbed by his mother’s lichdom and wondered by Zaheri warned her at all. Zaheri cannot fail to notice the raven familiar on Hanst’s shoulder. The women relates that Zaheri’s mother just ”gave him too me. He does talk to me some.”. While still eager to learn magical arts, Zaheri understands all too clearly his mother has given Hanst a familiar from an unknown patron. She is on the path to being a witch.

As Hanst goes to prepare dinner, Zaheri asks Tsekani and Sebastion what they know about dealing with women. Tsekani just laughs and walks away, while Sebastion contemplates his companion. The investigator’s face is clearly a mask covering a dark exaltation. He says quietly,

”You don’t want to ask me that question,” and he walks away mindlessly fingering the blades of his knife. Zaheri is left alone in the hallway, questioning his future, his relationships, and his safety.

07 Blood Games

The Board and Pieces

Campaign Dates Rova 06- Rova 19, 4722
Game Date5/22/24

The group spends another week in Kellok an then sets out for the journey to Yled to confront the hag Nathnelma. They spend a week of calm travel to arrive in the bustling city, and head to scout out the university, Twilight Castrum. This small necromancy academy operates in the shadows of Yled’s other, more famous, magical academies, such as the Mortuarium, Zaheri’s alma mater. The Twilight Castrum has never been particularly prestigious, despite having some hard-working professors, and student enrollment has been declining over the past several decades. The school recently obtained sponsorship from the Celebrants to revitalize the campus and attract more prestigious faculty and students.

Passing an open air café they are startled to hear Lady Berline Haldoli call out to them. She is sitting with two “men” a wight and a vampire, Blood Lords Kyril Vonth and Lord Zithni. While Vonth is reserved, Zithni is quite the epicurist, and orders significant food and drink for the newcomers.

With Berline’s blessing, the party shares their suspicions and their mission, while the Blood Lord of Graydirdge clearly preens on having found and used such effective agents. Both Blood Lords express interest in seeing the hag removed. Conversation leads to the notion she is a grave hag, a type less known to the group. She teaches necromancy and is apparently quite good. Both Blood Lords invite the party to engage in activities one night while they are there. Vonth wants to play a game of Blood Price, a strategic game based on Gebbish factions. Zaheri is well acquainted and notes his interest. More darkly, Zithni invites them to carouse. Zaheri notes Sebastion might enjoy that, adroitly ignoring the dagger-eyed glare of the investigator. Blake, as is normal, does not care much for anything, no fight to be had.

The group decides to talk with some students and splits into two groups. Zaheri and Blake do not learn as much, as the necromancer is mostly ignored by the students fascinated by a self-aware skeleton. It is more attention than Blake has been used too, but he takes it well, noting that it was his rage and anger that kept his soul bound to his bones. Sebastion has far more luck, charming several comely ladies with his smile and manner. It appears their quarry lectures in the main hall most days, all day. Her office is near the hall, and she lives in the Three Gates district. It seems it is time to attend a lecture.

The lower hall is full, so the party files into the upper gallery, along with other students who are late. There, the hag is teaching, using her undead mohrg and assistant, Sulvik as an example. She is clearly in command of her subject and liked by her students. The occasional question is met sharply, often with personal anecdotes. This gives Zaheri an idea.

In an attempt to learn more about Nathnelma, Zaheri and Sebastion attempt questions designed to draw out information about her. Zaheri’s first question on reanimation falls flat (crit fail), and Nathnelma provokes laughter in the gallery in making fun of him. Zaheri notes to himself that is OK, as they plan to kill her later. Sebastion is more successful line about curses, discovering that she delights in cursing others with visiting ghosts. Zaheri then pulls himself together, and unnerves her (crit success) with rather scandalous comments about her undead staff and gratification. He finds that all her teaching assistants are skilled necromancers in their own right and mostly with her all the time. However, it is also clear she is not as nimble as some, and would struggle with any response needing fast reflexes.

Nathnelma decides to be done for the day. While he obtained significant laughs, Zaheri receives several dirty looks as it is clear he caused the session to end for the day. The group goes to obtain basic lodging and then splits up for Blood Price and a night on the town.

Opening Moves

Campaign Dates Rova 19-20 4722
Game Date06/06/24

Blood Price with a Wight

Zaheri and Tsekani opt to visit Krill Vroth for an evening of Blood Price. Zaheri performs very well in the first game, with inspired moves that defeats the Bloodlord and Tsekani. In the second game, Zaheri attempts a team up with Tsekani, but they fall short. Vroth is still impressed, and offers Zaheri a rod of wonder. The time is late, so the two head back to their rooms, only to find a shaking and pale Sebastion trying to recover.

Night on the Town with a Vampire

Zithni is keen for company, and Sebastion and Blake go along. There are things even a skeleton can use, and Zithni is fast to help them both to various things. Sebastian struggles to take the concoctions and soon wakes up in a banquet in a bar, left behind by Zithni. He struggles to his feet and staggers back to his room.

Blake fares much better enjoying the gasses Zithni provides. However, even his strong constitution does not fully hold up to the effects, and Blake staggers some himself. Zithni provides Blake with an aeon stone that removes the need to eat or drink. Blake promises it will be put to use in the party.

Feast and Fighting at the Temple

The next morning, the four decide to further understand their foe. Zaheri sends Tumbly, now with wings, to scout the hag’s home, checking in with his shared senses periodically.

Tsekani goes to track the deliveries into and out of the house, specifically the shadowash. He easily is able to see that carts are coming from the Temple of Urgathoa and heads back to tell Zaheri and Blake, then goes off to get Sebastian.

Sebastian, meanwhile, tries talking to a young student about Nathnelma. However, the young lady grows suspicious about his inquiries. Perhaps it is the predatory way Sebastian looks at her. Regardless, he cannot let her blow his cover and kills her on the spot. The investigator is witnessed in the act by a male student and soon there are two dead students. Sebastian cannot help himself, and instead of hiding the bodies, he leaves them cut and displayed, like his times of old. It is not long after Tsekani finds him to tell him to bring him to the Temple.

Zaheri invites Blake to come to the Temple of Urgathoa. Once there, he is delighted to find his old friend the ghoul Vilnithra, is now High Priestess. Vilnithra was a friend and mentor to the young wizard when he was a student at Mortuarium. She invites him and Blake to the feast of worship they are about to have. Zaheri is letting this play out before asking more about the shipments. They are an hour into the meal when four intruders barge in demanding ”Is this the feast!”. It is clear they are not here to eat.

Vilnithra backs up, not a creature of combat, despite her appetites. Zaheri and Blake stand, Blake grabbing his scythe from where it was against a chair. Seeing the undead, the leader of the group moves to attack. They are followers of the goddess Pharasma, sworn enemy of the undead. As the one goes for Blake, the other three move to menace the other acolytes.

While Zaheir launches a storm of magic missiles at a far foe, Blake swings his weapon gravely wounding his attacker. As she staggers back, the other acolytes see the real danger and begin to close on the two before them. It is at this point, Tsekani and the cleaned up Sebastian arrive at the Temple Door. The monk charges and pummels the Pharasmite closest to him while Sebastian throws his knife. All the wounded priestesses use their positive energy healing magic upon themselves. The four friends move on the terrorist Pharasmites, with Blake cutting one down dead. With their leader down, the other three flee. Two make it out, one is cornered by Blake and Sebastian. Of the other two, one escapes and the final one is snapped in twain by Tsekani.

Stalking the Queen

Campaign Dates Rova 20 - 21 4722
Game Date06/12&19/24

An interrogation of the remaining Pharasmite shows this is a rouge group, not sanctioned by the main church. Zaheri hopes this will help decrease attacks. They turn then to the business that brought them here. Vilnithra acknowledges the temple makes good money on selling shadowash to Nathnelma. She is shocked to learn of the overall plot against Graydirge. She agrees to help the group in anyway she can.

The group splits up the next day. Blake and Zaheri go to a second lecture, while the other two decide to investigate Nathnelma’s office. While Sebastian cannot unlock the door, Tsekani is easily able to rip it off its hinges. Access to the room is easy. Staying inside is not. A ghast guards the room, and it emits a horrible laugh, causing the two to shudder. The monster’s jaw extends and it envelopes Tsekani’s head and shoulders. It then pulls away in a strange sensation. Sebastian heals his friend while the monk fights back. While the ghast does massive damage to Tsekani, Sebastian keeps him standing. Tsekani’s ire is up, and he strikes the ghast over and over with critical blows. After less than a minute, the ghast is destroyed and the two men stand breathing hard in a ruined office. Making sure his teammate is OK, Sebastain then searches the room quickly.

Back in the lecture hall, Zaheri again pokes at the hag giving the lecture. He is unsuccessful at getting her off guard about herself, but he does flatter her. This sets her up to over talk when the canny mage asks her about alchemical materials. She speaks too long and is clearly disturbed when Zaheri mentions brain grit. She offers to talk with him more later and continues the lecture.

Blake and Zaheri check on the office first, but the hag does not come there. She is headed home. Zaheri races after and notes she did not go to her office. She clearly forgot and sends one of her teaching assistants back to tell students not to come today. Now Zaheri has to talk quickly. He invites Nathnelma to dinner at the Temple of Urgathoa. She tells him to talk to her teaching assistant at her office. Bowing Zaheri departs and races to catch the man before he gets to the office.

The two chat as they walk back, and of course, there is no hiding the damage to the door or the office, not to mention the missing ghast. The assistant, Melnik, is unconvinced by Zaheri’s direction to the dean, and instead races off to his mistress. Zaheri attempts a mental attack but fails. Melnik, sure of what is up, draws his sword only to be struck by Blake, the blade cutting the man open across his stomach. Almost dead, Blake shoves the man into the office. Zaheri signals for their other two teammates to come up. By the time they are there, Zaheri is working on stabilizing Melnik. Blake interrogates the man while the others clean up the office and Zaheri uses magic to make the door appear OK to a casual glance.

Melnik is terrified and tells them everything they want to know. From the fact the two mummies guard the house not here, to where she conducts her foul rituals. It appears has a portrait of spite of Zaheri on the wall, and only a couple of days are needed to activate it and curse Zaheri forever. Melnik also tells them to exact location of her formulae for her alchemical concoctions, and enough damming information to fully convict Nathnelma.

They take Melnik to Kril Vorth and have him repeat his story. Zaheri asks the Blood Lord to hold him until this is over and then let him go as they promised because Zaheri notes he is a man of his word. The group then uses the time to plan for the next day. They drop by Vilnithra and ask her to invite the mummies out to an event at the market, which she is delighted to do. After some discussion, they decide to intercept her on the way to the school the next day.

The Queen Falls

Campaign Dates Rova 22 4722
Game Date06/27/24

The crew sets their trap for the mightiest of their foes. Nathnelma takes the same route to and from the school, and this includes a walk through a path shaded by trees. This creates the perfect place for an ambush. Zaheri moves to a place well back in the woods and the others are closer, ready to dive in. As the hag, her two teaching assistants walk forward, Sulvik brings up the rear. When all enter a pre-arranged spot, Zaheri unleashes fireball!

Blake rages, drawing on the echoes of his past life, with Tsekani at his side. Sebastion launches an area of effect electric arc to further damage the teaching assistants. The startled Hag screams to be protected and starts to fall back.

The teaching assistants lean in, with chill touch while the bulky Sulvik engages Tsekani. The retreating Hag curses the monk, leaving him unconscious. Sebastion and Blake keep pounding while Zaheri sends Hanover to float next to Nathnelma who emits a cloudkill spell. Zaheri fires magic missiles ever round, pouring force damage into their prey, while Sebastion throws his starknife and heals his two friends.

Sulvik ignores the downed Tsekani and concentrates on Blake, causing him to collapse to avoid damage. But, this gives Sebastion a chance to heal Tsekani. The battle rages, with the teaching assistants going done and fire focused on Nathnelma. She foolishly orders Sulvik to advance on Zaheri, who falls back. This allows Blake, Sebastion and Tsekani to advance on her. With a screech, Nathnelma falls. Sulvik is unsure what to do, and heads back to engage Blake. While he manages to discorporate Hanover in a single blow, he cannot stand against the combined might of the party. Zaheri finishes him off with final 8 magic missiles.

The Winner’s Circle

While it felt like hours, the fighting was begun and over in moments. The city guard charge up to find the four friends standing over the bodies of a university professor, her students and a servant. Zaheri is both resolute and arrogant in defense of their actions, claiming sanction from the Blood Lords. The guard have their duty, and Zaheir “suggests” the be taken to Blood Lord Vonth and Lord Zithni. The guards agree, and the party lets them “lead”.

The Blood Lords are quite happy to hear of their successes and the death of Nathnelma. Zaheri makes a strong plea that the government should aid the Temple of Urgathoa and the Blood Lords agree. They give the characters temporary ownership of the dead hag’s residence, and the group marches there to clear it out. They inform the two mummies, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, they are the new owners and loot the place. The mummies kick out several wraiths Nathnelma had in residence. Zaheri takes pleasure in destroying the painting that could be used against him. After a day or so, the group bids farewell and heads back to Graydirge and a much needed long rest.

game_systems/pathfinder2e/blood_lords/adventure_journal.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/13 16:31 by Bryan Stephens