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Wealwind Pavilion

By far the largest amphitheater on Hedge Hill, the Wealwind Pavilion has a frame of metal that supports an enormous canvas canopy that protects the structure from ill weather. Because it is sheltered from rain and harsh sun, the Wealwind Pavilion is a favorite venue of Yanmass’s elite. Performers there can command exorbitant rates, and infighting for prominent positions is intense. The Head of the Performers Guild, Lady Fulvia Rhesa has made attempts to start a “Common Concerts” series open to all residents of Yanmass for an entry fee of a single silver piece. This has met with only moderate success due to machinations of the city’s aristocracy, who detest the lower classes moving in on their preferred venue.

game_systems/pathfinder/crown/wealwind_pavilion.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/10 15:16 by Bryan Stephens