SLOT None | CL 17th | WEIGHT 4 lbs. | AURA strong abjuration |
When the brave knight-commander Koriana of Zimar fell within the ranks of the Fifth Army of Exploration, her remains were returned home—along with her sundered steel shield.
Her brother Tadric, distraught, focused only on creating a fitting legacy for Koriana’s daughter. Devoting himself to the study of metalcraft and magical crafting, he eventually turned a shard of his sister’s shield into a protective longsword. Though records indicate that Tadric’s niece took up the sword and joined the military, her full tale and the blade’s fate were lost to history. Rumors that she went into clandestine service for the royal family still circulate.
Koriana’s Blade is a +2 defending falchion. It’s strangely curved, betraying its origins, and has five gemstones in its pommel. Four are broken, but the white gem in the center is intact. Once per day, the wielder can trigger this gemstone as an immediate action to absorb and negate all darts targeting her from a magic missile spell. When the wielder transfers at least 1 point of the weapon’s enhancement bonus to her AC using the defending special ability, she also chooses one creature other than herself within 10’ to gain a +1 bonus to AC until the wielder’s next turn. Any Special Defenses of the blade are also shared by this one creature.
First Triumph: One of the gemstones on the sword’s pommel (determined randomly) repairs itself. Once repaired, a gem can be activated as an immediate action once per day to make the sword’s wielder immune to a single effect of a particular type, as described below, just before she would be affected by it. She must choose to activate the gem before attempting any save or other defense against the effect.
black gem protects against negative energy, red gem protects against fire effects pink gem protects against mind-affecting effects, reen gem protects against poison effects.
Second Triumph: Koriana’s Blade is a +3 defending longsword. The wielder of the sword gains a +1 insight bonus on saving throws against effects of any type corresponding to one of the sword’s functioning gems, also shared with creature with +1. Another randomly chosen gem repairs itself. Share Damage (either party can take up to 50% of a hit when hit, once per round)
Third Triumph: Koriana’s Blade is a +4 defending longsword Another randomly chosen gem repairs itself. The wielder of the sword gains a +2 insight bonus on all saving throws against effects of any type corresponding to one of the sword’s functioning gems, , also shared with creature with +1, Sharing at 30’
Fourth Triumph: Koriana’s Blade is a +5 defending longsword. +3 insight bonus on all saving throws against effects of any type corresponding to one of the sword’s functioning gems, also shared with creature with +1. The final gem repairs itself. Sharing at 40’