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Contacts, Allies, Rivals, & Enemies

Affinity / Enmity Values

Affinity/ EnmityDegree of Affinity/EnmityNotes
0 None No Affinity/Enmity towards the Traveller. This may be an enemy or just someone who does not care at all what happens to the Traveller, depending on Enmity
1 Vaguely well inclinedAbout as well inclined towards the Traveller as any random stranger with a social conscience is likely to be. They will take minor actions to help, largely out of common courtesy, but not go to much trouble on the Traveller’s behalf unless there are benefits to the action.
2 Positively inclinedWill probably help in a safe and easy manner if asked, even without reward, but will not take much risk.
3 Very positively inclinedWill take modest risks on the Traveller’s behalf or offer help without being asked, if they realise their friend could benefit.
4 Loyal friend Will do almost anything to help the Traveller, but may have higher loyalties to their own family, cause or service, or to other close friends.
5 Love(1) Will probably put the Traveller’s interests before their own or that of others.
6 Fanatical(2) Will do whatever the Traveller asks of them (or what they think the Traveller would want), no matter what risks are involved. May also expect others to do the same.
-1 Mistrustful Vaguely ill-disposed towards the Traveller (or perhaps everyone in general) but will not go out of their way to impede them. Someone with an Enmity value of -1 is unlikely to take an action that will have serious consequences for the Traveller unless there is some great benefit.
-2 Negatively inclinedMay engage in acts of petty spite for no gain, just to annoy and upset the Traveller. Someone with an Enmity value of -2 will probably stop short of actions that would seriously harm or kill the Traveller.
-3 Very negatively inclinedWill go to some trouble to impede the Traveller, just out of spite. Does not care much what happens to the Traveller and will more than likely feel they deserve anything they get.
-4 Hatred Will do almost anything to get one over on the Traveller. Might actively plot against the Traveller for the sake of revenge or causing further harm even if there is little or no gain involved.
-5 Bitter hatred(3) Will actively plot or take serious risks to cause the Traveller harm at any opportunity.
-6 Blinded by hate(4)May engage in self-destructive actions in order to harm the Traveller, or put innocents at risk.

(1) Love might be romantic or in the manner of a close family member, comrade through some traumatic event, or the like. Someone who owes a debt of honour to the Traveller, even if they do not like the Traveller all that much, might also have an affinity value of 5.

(2) This level of affinity is rare and may not be healthy for either party. A deluded stalker might have an affinity value of 6 but other considerations make them dangerous.

(3) Bitter hatred can also represent an obligation to destroy the Traveller. The reasons might be personal or on behalf of someone else. Alternatively, the enmity might be due to the Traveller’s opposition to a cause. It might even be altruistic after a fashion – someone who genuinely believes the Traveller is a bad guy who must be stopped may be just as determined to destroy them as someone who hates the Traveller on a personal level.

(4) Someone with this much hated may be willing to harm others to get to the Traveller, and may extend their enmity to his friends and comrades.

Power Values

Power Degree of PowerNotes
0 Powerless The individual has virtually no resources they can bring to bear other than their own personal possessions.
1 Weak Has a few friends or contacts who might be willing to help; the equivalent of a typical band of Travellers.
2 Useful Has a significant asset such as a small starship and crew, or a small force of skilled mercenaries, high-end lawyers, or the like.
3 Moderately PowerfulHas access to very significant assets such as a mercenary unit or a modest sized business entity.
4 Powerful Has powerful assets, equivalent to a small merchant shipping line or major business group.
5 Very Powerful Has enormous power, such as someone in the top echelons of a planetary government or the CEO of a large shipping line.
6 Major Player Is a factor in interstellar politics, such as a navy admiral or an official in an interstellar government.

Influence Values

InfluenceDegree of InfluenceNotes
0 No Influence Has virtually no influence over anyone.
1 Little Influence Owed a couple of favours by minor officials and local notables such as the leader of a street gang or a port authority official.
2 Some Influence Has one or more minor local notables ‘in their pocket’ and can get them to act illegally or dangerously on the odd occasion.
3 Influential Has some influence over powerful people such as mid-level planetary government officials or rich portside merchant factors.
4 Highly Influential Has some influence at the interplanetary level, with government or underworld figures that owe him a favour or two.
5 Extremely InfluentialHas very significant influence at the interstellar level, and can lean on lawmakers or officials in interstellar government.
6 Kingmaker Has the ear of extremely powerful people, such as the ruling noble of the local subsector.
game_systems/game_systems/traveller/contacts_allies_rivals_enemies.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/06 10:27 by Bryan Stephens