The Roleplaying Diaries of Bryan Stephens

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Books Used

We are using the 2nd Ed. Core Rule Book, and the Book of Shadows Player’s Guide. We are also using the Tradition books loaded into the Dropbox or the ones I own. These are a mixture of first and second edition. Any Brotherhood characters may start with Do (the drop boxes in Other Traits has it). Since it is out now, we will use some updating with the Mage: 20th Anniversary Edition.

Talents, Skills and Knowledges Tweak

Because there has been an update in the general skill systems for WOD, I have decided to use the more up to date system. I have found interactive PDF character sheets that use the new system. For questions on the Abilities, please refer to Mage 20th. This means things like Leadership is a Talent, and things like Repair and Science need to have a specialization even if they are not 4 dots If you need to add a Trait, there is a drop-down box below, Other Traits, or place you can just write it in once printed. This spreadsheet lists things that are not in the books we are using. The only change is that it is 13/9/7 instead of the values of Werewolf. This is specific to Mage and makes sense based on the skills and knowledge base they have.

Restricted Traditions or Conventions

Players may play any of the 9 traditions + Hollow Ones. They may not play a Convention Mage.


There is s version of almost all of the Traditions sheets that use their name for the spheres. They are in the same order as the basic names, but with new names. Feel free to use those if you want.

Backgrounds, Merits and Flaws

Merits and Flaws are allowed. All of these must fit the conception of the character. We will work on this in character design phase. I would suggest at least 1-2 points in Avatar, as that is a crucial Background for regaining Quintessence. All bits will be approved by me, and some of it might need to be based on feeling and the needs of the overall story.

Please remember that your starting Arête cannot be higher than 3 dots, and that no Sphere can be higher than your Arête. Also, any points spent on Quintessence are points spend on a temporary stat. You will start the game with as many points of Quintessence as you have in have in your Avatar Background.

Freebie Points

Characters will start with 18 Freebie Points, instead of 15.

Freebie Points Chart
Attributes 5 points per dot
Abilities 2 points per dot
Backgrounds 1 point per dot
Arête 4 points per dot (3 max)
Willpower 1 point per dot
Spheres 7 per dot
Quintessence 1 point per 4 dots
game_systems/world_of_darkness/mage/paths_in_darkness/character_creation_rules.1591567700.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/07 18:08 by Bryan Stephens