The Roleplaying Diaries of Bryan Stephens

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Pollus Remus Salinus

Position and Influence

Noble House Serves Talbot
Noble Rank None
Influence Moderate
Regions of Influence Whitecliffe
Best Attitude towards a PC Helpful
PC with Best Relationship Tremerus



Race AgeEthnicityEyesHair

Pollus is a strong middle aged man with grey in his hair, with the hard look of a man that has seen much.


Pollus spent some time in the military before leaving. He admires and trusts people able to talk about real fighting, and how to be prepared. He is a loyal protector for his Lord, and the Earl's most Trusted Advisor.


The Salinus family has long history of service to the Empire. Pollus served in the army as a young man, before returning to work with his father for the Talbots. With the passing of his father he assumed his role close to when Arminus assumed control of day to day operations of the family, even though the senior Talbot was still alive.

Connections to NPCs

Name Relationship Status Notes
Arminius TalbotMajordomoStrong, LoyalLong time service

Connections to PCs

Name Attitude Relationship Notes
TremerusHelpfulMet at HuntTermerus helped to stop plot
CorwynFriendlyMet at HuntHelped to stop plot
IonaFriendlyMet at HuntHelped to stop plot
DetashUnfriendlyMet at HuntSteered gold digging woman towards his Lord


  • Willing to defend PCs in a fight
  • If provoked might dual Detash
game_systems/pathfinder/crown/npcs/test.1602182658.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/08 14:44 by Bryan Stephens