The Roleplaying Diaries of Bryan Stephens

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Position and Influence

Noble House None
Noble Rank None
Influence None
Regions of Influence Lake Lauchlein
Best Attitude towards a PC Party
PC with Best Relationship Hostile



Race AgeEthnicityEyes
Fey - Swan MadienUnknownFeyDark

This tall, regal woman is clad in a long cloak of pristine white swan feathers and silvery armor with a winged crown. She has cropped blond hair and pointed ears.


Fierce and uncrompomising about protecting the lake


“Atratus a fierce warrior who remained with the lake after her fey court retreated in the wake of Taldan encroachment. She has steadfastly preserved Lauchlein Lake as a wild place, chasing off or destroying any mortal attempts to alter the lake. She considers the nearby Oppara highway an affront, but for years stewards of the county have appeased her wrath through yearly gifts.

She has come to terms with the party and sees them now as allies against Lotheed”

Connections to NPCs

Name Relationship Status Notes
Count LotheedHostileNow free of JellyNone

Connections to PCs

Name Attitude Relationship Notes
TremerusHelpfulGoodParticularly fond of the Hunter


  • A swan maiden can transform a willing good female humanoid into a swan maiden via a ritual that takes 24 hours. The humanoid loses her class and racial abilities
  • Story Awards
game_systems/pathfinder/crown/npcs/atratus.1606311486.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/25 08:38 by Bryan Stephens