The Roleplaying Diaries of Bryan Stephens

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Major Non Player Characters

These are shown, mostly as they are first introduced to the player characters, but they may be put into other groups if hey were mostly used in a period further in the future. I have abanonded the longer write ups for characters and links may be to a picture and brief description. This list may be be more up to date then their entries. Some don't have entries at all other than this line.

The Wormwood

NameRankNotesPlayer Character(s) RelatedRelationship
Barnabas_HarriganCaptainCaptain of the Wormwood the ship that captured the charactersPlayersEnemy
Master_ScourgeBosun, Master at ArmsMaster Scourge is the Wormwood’s bosun and masterat-arms, and Mr. Plugg’s right-hand man. As boatswain, he is in charge of all activities and sailors on deck, and as master-at-arms, he is responsible for discipline.PlayersEnemy
Mr_PluggFirst MateA sadist and bully. Only 21 years of age, the memories and scars of Plugg’s formative years are very fresh, and now he intends to have his revenge.PlayersEnemy
The Rest of the Wormwood Officers and Crew

The Man's Promsie

NameRankNotesPlayer Character(s) RelatedRelationship
Barnabas_HarriganCaptainCaptain of the Wormwood the ship that captured the charactersPlayersEnemy
game_systems/pathfinder/skull_shackles/lady_pirates/npcs.1673551061.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/12 14:17 by Bryan Stephens