The Roleplaying Diaries of Bryan Stephens

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Non Player Characters

Background Contacts, Allies, Rivals, and Enemies

Relationship are the levels of Amenity/Enmity, Power, and Influence. This is listed with a positive number for Amenity, negative for Enmity, followed by a slash for Power and slash for Influence.

See Contacts, Allies, Rivals, & Enemies for more information.

NameNotesPlayer Character(s) RelatedRelationshipAmnity-Emnity/ Power/Influence
Ito EkendeDirector IntelligenceViktorFormer Assistant+3/3/5
Tevye TopaCrime LordViktorProfessional Contact+3/4/2
Chernova Alla (Alya) ValerievnaEx-Wife who left when cover blownViktorEx Wife -4/1/4
Lady Rivriel XenanderCEO of Xenander ConnectionsRally OwensPatron+3/3/3
Lady Ikuri TabdanChair of the Board of The Solari FirmRally OwensPatron+2/4/3
Captain Kellrin JhostenCaptain Military PoliceRally OwensContact+2/2/2
Sir Corrigan Viniri Lexrell IVKnight of the Imessa Plateau.Rally OwensFather-1/4/5
Sephriel CruzDisgraced former Lt. Sgt. HansonFormer Commander-4/1/2
Delila LauxOwns and runs several ships. Recently married. Sharri DuncanCollege Best Friend+6/3/2
Jessica FaradayPirate who led a coupGalen CasterEnemy-4/3/1
SGT. Jeffery G GrimesMarine who was swindledGalen CasterEnemy-4/1/4
Samuel MaxwellImperial AgentGalen CasterContact+2/2/3
Tangie KianiRescue and Ship's StewardPartyAlly+4/0/0
Pitor NicolauCrime Lord and Owner of Ghanath Lor PartyEnemy-4/3/2
Armos AylerSmuggler but never caught PartyAlly+4/3/2
Gale LauxLawyer for Ayler Shippin PartyContact+1/3/3
game_systems/traveller/starlightdrifter/npcs.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/16 10:34 by Bryan Stephens