The Roleplaying Diaries of Bryan Stephens

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Richmond Anthony

Class and Character Information

Career(s) Imperial Army
Homeworld Earth
Social Status12 -High status family & Local Fame



Race AgeEthnicityEyesHair


A man at the edge of far edge of his youth. Well built and clearly a man who knows how to fight with various weapons.


Anthony is a pureblood Solomani from Earth in the North America continent. He was raised as part of a typical upper middle class family. His father and mother are avid marine biologists and seamen operating in the Gulf region of the continent. While well educated, Richmond was not interested in a scientific career. He instead applied to one of the most ancient military academies, West Point.

Richmond excelled at his schooling and graduated near the top of his class. During his time in school he joined an integrationist political movement, Children of Earth (see below). This won him a fast friend in fellow Solomani, August Volante. August went on to Military Intelligence in the Army and more or less went dark. Richmond managed to irritate if not enrage this assigned professor of history at the school, Chun Dao. Dao went on to be a General in Imperial Army, and this animosity would later come back to haunt Richmond.

As a freshly minted Lieutenant, Richmond found himself on the months long journey to the Spinward Marches. The Army was not totally sure of his loyalties, and assigning him far away from the Solomani Rim seemed the best path to take. Richmond was then leading a platoon against the insurgency on the wild world of Efate. This was a hard fight to try to stop the insurgents and not kill locals, many of whom supported the insurgents. However, Richmond was able to succeed and emerged a local hero.

Army life is often dull for long periods of time. Sometimes it leads to odd assignments. As a Captain, Richmond’s company was involved in a peacekeeping mission to Yres specifically because of his seafearing expertise. It was being transported to this mission via the civilian ship the Weiss Mobile Zapruder, he met Vincent Wiess who taught him how to gamble. It is after this mission, back abord the Zapruder, that Richmond managed to put a General is significant debt to him in a high stakes card game and he forgave the debt to be promoted to Major.

General Dao re-entered Richmond’s life almost four years after his promotion, into what had been a rather uninteresting but safe term of service. Dao sent Richmond with a reduced unit into what turned out to be an impossible fight against Psion separatists. Richmond is not sure if General Dao knew the separatists were psions or not, but he could tell this was a set up. Unfortunately, the fight was going quite poorly, and Richmond was sure that they would die to the last man. That was until Maria literally popped in and lent him a mind shield. After explaining that her organization, Mandala, would rather psions not behave this way, she and other Mandala operatives took out the key members. Richmond’s unit was saved and he kept Mandala’s existence a secret. The near debacle resulted in Richmond’s promotion and an award of a Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry.

Facing Psions un-warned, and an old enemy still gunning for him, Richmond was done. He took his promotion and award and promptly retired from the Army at the end of his term. a full Lt. Colonel. Thanks to his service, at age 34, he was in the best shape of his life. He decided to retire to Callia, out of the way, unlikely to be found by anyone. This had mixed results. He used what money he had to buy some farm tools and a small plot of land. It was a disaster. He had no business being a farmer. When he heard there were some outsiders in a converted Patrol Corvette, Richmond made his way to Makintown and was astonished to see Vincent walking towards him.

Children of Earth

Children of Earth is an integrationist political movement on Terra. It is against the monitoring and more heavy-handed actions of the Solomani Confederation. It argues for freedom from discrimination of humans based on origin, arguing that the obviously superior pure Solomani will come out on top without any help, and if that person does not, then they are best left aside, not part of the greater whole.

Needless to say, this manages to tick of people across the board, which may be why it is prominent and persistent among younger members of society.

Connections to NPCs

NameNotesPlayer Character(s) RelatedRelationshipAmnity-Emnity/ Power/InfluenceNotes
August Volante Classmate and political allyRichmondAlly+4/3/3 Went on to Military Intelligence and more or less went dark.
General Chun DaoInstructor and political enemyRichmondEnemy-4/3/3 General in the Army
game_systems/traveller/insearchoftheancients/characters/richmond_anthony.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/03 09:46 by Bryan Stephens