The Roleplaying Diaries of Bryan Stephens

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The Archeobot was developed by the brilliant mind of Professor Lucas vin de Volk. The Professor is a PhD in several sciences and also a skilled engineer. This robot has been a boon to archeological digs for the University of Regina. It has been quite a financial success for the University while only giving fame to the Professor.

Archeobot32Walker6 m14Cr250000
SkillsAthletics (dexterity) 1, Athletics (strength) 3, Recon 2, Profession (archology) 1, Profession (mining) 1, Mechanic 1, Navigation 0, Advocate 0
AttacksShovel, 5D. Claws,X2,3D
Manipulators2 X (STR 11 DEX 10), 1 X (STR 15 DEX 8)
Endurance108 hours
TraitsArmour (+7), Large (+1),ATV,Heightened Senses, IR/UV Vision, Geiger Counter, Programming: Advanced (INT 8)
OptionsGecko Grippers, PRIS Sensor, Auditory Sensor (broad spectrum), Olfactory Sensor (advanced), Recon Sensor (improved), Densitometer Sensor, Voder Speaker (broad spectrum), Transceiver 500 km (improved), Wireless Data Link, Insidious Environment Protection, Vacuum Environment Protection, Cutting Torch (advanced), Scientific Toolkit (advanced), Construction Equipment (small), Mining Equipment (small), Fire Extinguisher, Storage Compartment (hazardous material) 12L/12Kg
game_systems/traveller/creatures/archeobot.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/24 10:06 by Bryan Stephens