The azure lily is a relatively notorious plant known to grow in Hooktongue Slough—and also one of the most rare. It’s unusual to find more than one of these dangerous plants growing in any part the swamp, and they’re unheard of beyond its borders. Through chance, a grove of azure lilies has bloomed on a low hummock here, five of the bright blue flowers in all.
An azure lily’s pollen is rather toxic, with a single lily producing enough pollen in its short life to swiftly paralyze most creatures. A character that picks one of the f lowers or brushes against it causes its load of poisonous pollen to burst in a 5-foot cloud that persists for 1 minute before dispersing. It’s possible to harvest the toxic pollen from these lilies with a successful DC 30 Survival check and 10 minutes of stressful work (failure causes the lily to burst), but once taken from the plant, the raw pollen becomes inert after a week unless crafted into refined poison with a DC 15 Craft (alchemy) check. A successfully harvested dose of azure lily poison is worth 1,500 gold.
DETAILS: Type poison (inhaled); Save Fortitude DC 15; Frequency 1/minute for 2 minutes; Cure 1 save
EFFECT: Nauseated for 1 minute/paralyzed for 2d4 hours.