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Baroness Adella Voinum

Position and Influence

Noble House Voinum
Noble Rank Baroness
Influence High
Regions of Influence Mettet County
Best Attitude towards a PC Party
PC with Best Relationship Unfriendly



Race AgeEthnicityEyes

“A woman of legendary stature in her youth, age has finally begun to bend the baroness, and she now stands merely 6 feet tall. She still proudly displays the scar left when an Andoren spear pierced her face years ago.”


Clever and scathing, Baroness Voinum wields considerable influence. The Voinum family has been part of the county for a thousand years and proudly upholds Taldan ideals—harsh but fair by most standards.


A woman of wealth and discipline, Baroness, Voinum is a retired commander of the Taldan Phalanx. She is best known as the local grump—condescending, detached, and judgmental—but is also a font of knowledge regarding the region’s history.

Connections to NPCs

Name Relationship Status Notes
LotheedVassalModeateDoes not like him

Connections to PCs

Name Attitude Relationship Notes
